The Role of Sports Massage

deep tissue sports massageThe purpose of Sports Massage is not well understood and its use would most likely increase with a greater understanding of how how exercise impacts our muscles.

After hard training or an athletic event, taxed muscles become constricted and shortened. Micro-tearing of muscle fibers also results from extended strenuous activity leading to swelling and adhesions (like strands of spaghetti stuck together). Without proper rest and stretching between exercise, muscles become increasingly fatigued and contracted. Constrictions prevent free muscle movement and literally destroy range of motion.

During massage, circulation is stimulated and muscle tissue is stretched helping muscles recover faster and more completely. Sports massage focuses on the muscle groups most used by the athlete and incorporates stretches to maintain muscle elasticity. Over the long-term, sports massage helps athletes sustain higher levels of performance and remain free of injuries.

Rest Period

There should be a period of rest after hard training to allow muscle recovery to take place. Depending on the intensity of the physical activity, the rest period can be anywhere from a day to several weeks.   By stimulating circulation and the lymphatic system, sports massage coupled with appropriate low-level activity increases the quality and effectiveness of the rest period. Some refer to it as ‘turbo-charging.’

Warm-up and Warm-down

Neglecting to warm-up can result in injury because cold muscles are less elastic and more vulnerable to damage. A proper warm-down with ample stretches helps start the muscle recovery process, re-aligning muscle fibers and preventing tightness.

Age Factor

As we get older, our muscles become more prone to damage due to wear and tear, so stretching and proper warm-up and warm-down become more important. Since it takes muscles longer to recover as we age, a longer rest period and more regular massage is beneficial.

Pre-Event Sports Massage

Pre-event sports massage can take place from two days to two minutes before a race. Two days before, sports massage can be thorough and deep to ensure you are in optimum condition and fully recovered from any previous exercise. Shortly before an event, sports massage uses passive stretches and muscle warming techniques for maximum muscle elasticity. Some also choose to get massage the day of an athletic event with the goal of either relaxing their nerves or “firing-up” for the competition, depending on the athlete’s particular needs.

Post-Event Sports Massage

If you are like many, you may be skipping the warm-down after an athletic event, whether due to exhaustion, elation or forgetfulness. Whatever the reason, sports massage can be a reasonable substitute for a warm-down since it stretches muscle fibers and helps effectively remove metabolic waste (through increased circulation). If there is an injury, cold therapy and cross-fiber massage techniques can be used to reduce swelling and remove muscle adhesions.

In summary, sports massage helps active individuals maintain flexible, rested and healthy muscle tissue helping to improve athletic performance. If you consistently suffer from stiffness or muscle fatigue after athletic activity, consider adding sports massage to your overall routine.

By Larisa Goldin, MBA, LMP

Get an Edge on Your Golf Game with Sports Massage

All athletes, including golf enthusiasts look for an edge that can help them train more effectively, perform better or overcome injuries quickly.  A competitive athlete will push his or her body to the limit to achieve greater speed, endurance or power.   All this pushing puts stress on the muscles and requires a great deal of recovery in order to avoid injury and overuse trauma.  Golfers are no exception to the risks of injury due to muscle overuse.  Sports Massage for Golf professionals and recreational golfers, can increase flexibility, speed recovery time after rigorous practice and decrease your chance of injury allowing you to achieve your true golf potential.

Sports Massage for golfThe main golf swing muscles and their role in the golf swing:

  • Shoulders support the golf club at the top of the swing and also add clubhead speed as an extension of the core
  • Upper Back maintains spine angle for ease of turning on back swing and follow- through
  • Lower Back is critical in maintaining golf posture during the swing and while putting
  • Glutes help maintain flexion in the hips and produce the ‘golf squat’ position for a powerful swing base
  • Quadriceps allow consistent knee flexion and golf posture for a repeatable swing
  • Hamstrings allow you to transfer your weight correctly on the backswing and downswing for maximum power
  • Core muscles produce maximum power from the pivot and store energy from torque created on the back swing

Sports massage for Golf players aids performance in the following ways:

  • Reduces chance of injury through assisted stretching and event preparation
  • Increases ange of motion and muscle flexibility resulting in improved power and performance
  • Shortens ecovery time between workouts by maximizing the supply of nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue through increased blood flow
  • Enhances elimination of the metabolic by-products of exercise

Finding Ways To Stay Active This Fall


Finding Ways To Stay Active This Fall

As the temperatures drop, we tend to have more and more movie nights, all warm and cuddled up at home. It can feel almost impossible to bundle up and drive to the gym to get a workout in. The house is just so cozy!

While it is extremely tempting to stay snuggled up on the couch, fall and winter shouldn’t be a time when you let your fitness plans slip away. We won’t deny it – it is harder to motivate yourself to exercise when it’s dark and cold. In the summer, it was so easy to go on an impromptu run or bike outside. But, with the right attitude and mix of exercises, fall can actually be the perfect opportunity to mix up your workouts, get innovative, and try new things.  There is hope to stay active in the cold weather.

Here are four fun, easy ways to stay active this fall:

Revamp your home: Get creative and turn your home into a mini gym. From free YouTube fitness videos to fun workout DVDs, you can easily exercise from the comfort of your warm home. Invest in some fitness equipment, like hand weights and a stability ball, and you will be sweating in no time!

Set a goal for the spring or summer: Keep yourself motivated by setting a big goal for yourself. Choose a goal that will get your out of your comfort zone (and maybe one that even scares you a little). Sign-up for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, a long bike ride, or hiking that mountain that always intimidated you. Then, set small, achievable action steps for the winter to reach the end goal. Instead of forcing yourself to exercise during the winter, you’ll be challenging yourself and getting closer to your big goal.

Go Hiking: The best kind of workout is one where you don’t even realize you’re exercising. Take advantage of the cool temperature, and get outside and play!

Get sneaky: You don’t need to go to the gym or have a full 60-minute aerobic workout to stay active in the fall. The goal is to keep moving, so incorporate activity in your daily workday. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away, walk around the mall before you shop, or do lunges and squats while you watch TV.

Staying active this fall and winter months will help you sleep better, boost your immunity, and fight off the winter blues. And, your hot chocolate will taste even better after a full day of activity.

Do you want more health and wellness tips like this? Sign-up for our email newsletter and we’ll send you fitness advice and updates about Dreamclinic directly to your inbox!

How to Create a Stress-Free Workspace

548a04dbb0ae2_-_rby-desk-03-makeover-after-s2“Stress-free” is usually not the first thing that pops into our mind when we think about our workplace. Long meetings, hard deadlines, and dozens of distractions make work feel like, well, work.

As a result, we become more stressed. And as our stress levels increase, our productivity falls lower and lower, which only stresses us out even more! This vicious cycle can seem unavoidable, but in actuality, a few small changes to your workplace can make a profound difference on your attitude and stress levels while in the office.

Here are some 5 easy, DIY tips to create a stress-free workspace:

  • Personalize your space. Decorate your desk, with favorite pictures or mementos. This way, you’ll feel less like you’re at the office and more like you’re at home (or at least, in a space that feels like yours).
  • Organize. A messy desk is the number one cause of workplace stress. Start by keeping small garbage and recycling cans underneath your desk, so that it’s easy to get rid of trash and unwanted papers on a regular basis. Figure out which items you use most often, and sort them so that they are easily accessible. Make sure that you minimize the amount of papers out on your desk, because visual clutter can cause clutter in your brain, making it harder to focus.
  • Take five. It’s important to give your brain mental breaks, especially when working on something stressful and complicated. Short breaks between 1-5 minutes are incredibly helpful for reducing stress, and the aches and pains you may feel from long hours at a desk. Studies have shown that taking just one break, for less than five minutes, improves mental sharpness by an average of 13%, and that regular breaks of two minutes increase productivity by 11.15%.
  • Become one with nature. Add some plants to your office space, like a succulent or a houseplant. Even if you don’t have a green thumb, working in an environment with plants has been proven to lower stress, and decrease noise, room temperature, and humidity, ultimately creating a calming and cool space.
  • Make sure to stretch. It’s important to get regular exercise outside of work, but during the workday, you should also do small exercises to reduce your fatigue and stiffness. Oftentimes, we subconsciously tense our bodies when we’re stressed, so working out our knots is an important part of staying healthy. Try standing and stretching your arms over your head, resting your eyes on something calming, stretching your fingers, and slowly rotating or massaging your temples, neck, and forearms.

It’s no surprise that most people think of the workplace as a stressful environment. Our bodies are not made to be stationary for long periods of time, and stacks of clutter only add to our stress levels. In order to keep a positive mindset, it is incredibly important to listen to your body. Make your office space clean and let it reflect your personality, and you’ll be on track to a healthy and stress-free workday.

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5 Benefits of Using a Foam Roller

5 Benefits of Using a Foam Roller, original blog content by Dreamclinic Massage and Acupuncture Seattle, Redmond, BellevueDespite their appearance, foam rollers are not instruments of torture. Some of their scary-looking spikes may not look very inviting, but they are actually an essential part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

So, what is a foam roller exactly? They come in all shapes and sizes, and work to release knots in your muscles. Larger, cylindrical foam rollers are for the legs, hip, and back muscles. Smaller rollers are handheld and are specifically designed for calf and arm muscles. It’s best to roll out an hour or two after a workout, when your muscles are still sore from the activity, but are not inflamed.

Here’s how to use the two most common kinds of foam rollers:

Foam rollers: If you’re using a large roller, lay it on the floor and gently put your leg or hip on top of the roller. Slowly add pressure, rolling back and forth across the muscle to check for tight or tender spots. When you get to a knot in your muscle, it will be especially tender. Press your weight on that spot for 30-50 seconds. When you get to the end of your muscle, slightly release pressure. This process should be painful, but not unbearable. If the pain becomes sharp or intense, stop rolling, and contact a doctor if the pain continues.

Spiky foam rollers: These rollers are for deep tissue massages and are used the same way as normal foam rollers. They work out knots deep within your tissue fibers, and can be especially painful for rolling newbies. Do not start rolling with these!

Although the process of foam rolling may feel uncomfortable, you’ll feel great the next day. Rolling drastically releases muscle soreness and keeps your body limber and healthy. Here are five other benefits of foam rolling:

  1. When you are especially active, the soft tissue that connects your muscles (called fascia) can become inflamed and thicken. Rollers release that built-up muscle tension, keeping you muscles flexible and healthy.
  2. Rolling is one of the best ways to heal nagging injuries. Rolling breaks up scar tissue, which can form in hard knots and prevent your muscles from working properly.
  3. The results feel amazing! You will feel a big, relaxing release and extra sensation in the ends of your muscles as you roll them out and break up thick, chunky knots.
  4. It keeps you in check with your body. By rolling your muscles, you’ll learn more about your body, like where your pressure points are and which parts of your muscles are prone to tightness and possible injury. This self-awareness is the best form of injury prevention.
  5. It’s cheap and small. A trip to the doctor or a sports massage therapist can be costly, but you can buy a foam roller for $15 or less. Rollers are small and can be easily tucked against a cabinet for storage.

Foam rolling is the perfect complement to a healthy, active lifestyle. It soothes tight muscles, increases circulation, and reduces soreness after a workout. If you’re new to rolling, try it for ten minutes two times a week — you will see improvements the next day. And who knows, you may even graduate to the “scary-looking” spiky roller in no time.


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Eliminate Common Aches and Pains From Sitting at a Desk

DIY Ways to Eliminate Common Aches and Pains From Sitting at a Desk, original blog article by Dreamclinic Massage and Acupuncture Seattle, Redmond, BellevueWe’ve all seen the headlines: “Sitting Will Kill You, Even When You Exercise” (that is an actual headline from CNN). Then, two months later, another report comes out saying that standing at work all day is bad for your body and health, too.

Regardless of which one is actually true, the truth is that most of us have desk jobs, where we sit down the majority of the day. And even if sitting doesn’t end up killing us, pains From Sitting at a Desk can leave us stiff and uncomfortable.

Luckily, your achy back, sore neck, and popping joints are probably due to your chair and desk setup at work, which is very easy to fix.

So, instead of an expensive visit to the chiropractor to soothe those aches and pains from your desk job, try these easy tips to feel your best:


Customize your seating. Adjust your office chair so that it is slightly tilted back and comfortably supports your spine. This will help relieve lower back pain. Make sure your feet are planted flat on the ground and that your hands can comfortably reach the mouse and keyboard (you’re not hunching over the desk).

Take a walk. Moving around will help get your blood moving and prevent joint stiffness. Small breaks are also good for your brain, and can lead to increased creativity, better focus, and increased efficiency. Take a 20-minute walk during lunch and try to get up and move every hour if you can.

Try standing. Sometimes a change of perspective is all that’s needed. Standing at your desk engages muscles that you do not use while sitting, and gives your neck and lower back a break. To see if standing is right for you, try it for an hour or two and then go back to sitting.

Wear comfortable shoes. Even if you’re sitting, high or uncomfortable shoes can affect your posture and strain your joints. Comfortable shoes are especially important if you plan on standing at your desk. Look for good arch support and add an insert for extra support if needed.

Stretch regularly. Neck and shoulder rotations are especially helpful for office pain, and can be done anywhere and any time.

  • To stretch your back, plant your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly rotate your shoulders, breathing normally and shrugging them up and down every once in a while. Afterwards, cross one arm across your chest and pull gently on that elbow with your other arm. Repeat with the other arm.
  • To stretch your neck, sit up straight and slowly look over your left and right shoulders. Tilt your head back until you feel your chin muscles go taught, and tilt your head forwards with your chin towards your chest. Then, slowly roll your head in a large circle and repeat in the opposite direction.
  • To stretch your wrist, turn your hands palms up and place them on the edge of a table, with the insides of your arms facing away from you. You can also individually bend each finger towards the back of your hand to work additional cricks.
  • Invite a massage therapist into the office. This is a great office activity to boost morale. Invite a massage therapist once a month or once a quarter to the office to give massages and also to educate employees about health and wellness. Your colleagues will thank you!


Despite the media’s claims that sitting at your desk will lead to your death, it’s all about finding the right desk setup for you and your body. And that will look different for everyone. Try new things, like standing for an hour or going on a walk. Stretch at the office and when you get home. And, don’t believe everything you read in the news.


The Health Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

exercise during pregnancy, pregnancy massage, post-natal massage, pre-natal massage, Massage Therapy at Dreamclinic Massage and Wellness Seattle and RedmondExercising during pregnancy has great benefits – it can help prepare for labor, boost your energy, soothe pregnancy aches and pains, and help your body bounce back faster after childbirth. While most women know that exercise during pregnancy is safe, there are still a lot of questions floating around about what you can and can’t do. Is it okay to do crunches? How low should my heart rate be? Can I still run?

A good rule of thumb is to check with your healthcare provider first, and use your pre-pregnancy exercise routine as a guideline. If you exercised regularly before pregnancy and your pregnancy is uncomplicated, you can most likely continue working out as before, with some modifications. If you didn’t work out often before pregnancy, you can definitely start now, but start off small, like a 15-20 minute walk.

Exercising doesn’t have to be an intense, uncomfortable experience. Swimming a couple laps in the pool or walking around your neighborhood can still provide amazing health benefits. All that matters is that you’re moving.

Here are some of the benefits of exercising during pregnancy:

Prevents back pain: Two-thirds of women experience back pain during pregnancy, but water workouts, yoga, and pelvic tilts can relieve this discomfort. Exercising during the second half of pregnancy seems to be especially effective.

Boosts energy: Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, so you don’t feel tired as easily. Pregnancy can sap your energy, but regular exercise will strengthen your muscles so you’ll need less effort to engage in daily activities.

Prepares for an easier labor: Moms who exercise tend to have shorter labors and are less likely to need medical intervention during labor, including C-sections.

Improves quality of sleep: Many pregnant women say that they have a harder time falling asleep, and staying asleep. Those who exercise consistently report their quality of sleep is better and they wake up feeling more rested.

Speeds postpartum recovery: The more you exercise during pregnancy, the faster you’ll recover physically after childbirth. Moms who exercise are more likely to socialize and enjoy new hobbies and entertainment post-baby.

Protects against gestational diabetes: Exercise may prevent this common problem, and the American Diabetes Association recommends moderate exercise as an effective prevention for women who are at risk. In fact, exercising can lower your risk for gestational diabetes by as much as 27%.

Now, you may be wondering what kind of exercise is best. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women can participate in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise everyday. The safest workouts are low impact – they are gentle on the joints and the body.

Here are three great workouts for expecting moms:

Walking: Taking a stroll is safe throughout all nine months of pregnancy, and is gentle on your knees and ankles.

Swimming: Swimming may be the best and safest exercise for pregnant women. It’s ideal because it works large muscle groups, like arms and legs, provides cardiovascular benefits, and allows moms-to-be feel weightless.

Yoga: Prenatal yoga classes help maintain flexibility and keep your joints limber. It’ll strengthen your muscles, improve circulation, and help you relax.

For the majority of women, exercising during pregnancy is perfectly safe and offers powerful health benefits. It can be a great way to meet other expectant moms and form friendships – walking around and catching up with a friend may not even feel like working out! Or, get creative – put on your favorite music and dance around the house while cooking or doing chores. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring!

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3 Subtle Signs You’re Stressed and What to Do About It

stress massage seattleAs working professionals, we’ve mastered the balancing act. We work full-time, have a lively social life, and make time to be active. We move fast and that’s how we like it.
However, in between the happy hours and work meetings, stress can creep in without your knowing. Stress doesn’t always trigger a loud, red siren. Many times, there are quiet signs telling you that you may be stressed.
You don’t need to sacrifice your busy lifestyle to reduce stress, but you should be aware of three important, subtle clues and listen to your body when it’s time to slow down:
1. Changing sleeping patterns: Your subconscious can let you in on important, underlying mental and physical happenings, and you should listen to its messages. Pay attention to your sleeping patterns; trouble falling asleep and weird dreams are all signs that you may be stressed.
What to do: Ask yourself if you are getting six or more hours of sleep each night. If not, identify what is causing you to have trouble sleeping. Are you putting off a certain conversation? Are you up against a strict deadline at work? Addressing stress in your day will make your nights easier. To help you sleep, cut back on caffeine and alcohol, and increase your exercise routine.
2. Tight, aching back or neck: Many of us carry our stress in our necks and backs. High levels of stress can cause discomfort by tightening your muscles and causing muscle spasms. This is part of our natural flight-or-fight response, and is one of the ways our bodies respond to challenges and demands.
What to do: Massage, meditation, and yoga can all relieve tight muscles. Take time to stretch during the day to prevent muscles from knotting up, and do some yoga to unwind at the end of the day. A monthly massage can also drastically improve sore muscles. A 2011 study found that massage helped people in pain feel and function better, compared to people who didn’t receive any massage treatment.
3. A craving for dessert: Anytime you have a sudden change in cravings, you should interpret it as your body telling you something is different or off. A new study claims that stress can turn on certain hormones located in our taste buds, making us crave sweets.
What to do: Be mindful of why you are craving certain foods. Monitor your stress levels and when you feel like you need to have sweets, take a few minutes to breathe and retain focus, or take a brisk walk around the block. If you really do need to satisfy your sweet tooth, choose healthy options like raisins, dried fruit, or a small piece of dark chocolate.
The bottom line: practice self-awareness and listen to what your body is telling you. Maintaining an active, mobile lifestyle will allow you to bounce between social events, succeed at work, and maintain your health.

Athletes Discover Acupuncture Treats Injuries and Boosts Performance

Athletes of many stripes are turning to acupuncture for an effective method of injury treatment and prevention. Professional football players from the ranks of the New York Jets, Minnesota Vikings, San Diego Chargers and more have embraced acupuncture to manage pain, speed injury recovery, and achieve peak physical performance in their sport. A review of research studies on the use of acupuncture in sports confirms its efficacy at increasing muscle strength and power in athletes.1

Sports acupuncture is used for injury treatment, prevention and (in combination with Chinese herbs) to improve athletic performance.2 Acupuncture taps into the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It can work in conjunction with Western medical treatment, and in cases where rest is prescribed for an injury, acupuncture reduces pain and accelerates the healing process without side effects.

sports acup Tony+Richardson+1

New York Jets fullback Tony Richardson receives acupuncture regularly between practices and before games.

Matt Callison, a licensed acupuncturist and instructor at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, has been using sports acupuncture to treat athletes for 11 years and counting. Callison says, “traditional Chinese medicine [including acupuncture, herbs and exercises] has been an extremely helpful and growing trend in athletics for quite a while. Steve Young and Jerry Rice [of the San Francisco 49ers] have been treated with sports acupuncture, and Canadian speed skater Kevin Overland received sports acupuncture to help him earn a bronze medal in the 1998 Olympics.”3

Baltimore Ravens safety Will Demps credits acupuncture with boosting his performance on the field. “In my extensive off-season workouts, I have noticed a difference in my balance and agility since receiving [acupuncture] treatments…I feel my muscles have been ‘turned on’ and are firing on all cylinders.”3

In Major League Baseball, the Seattle Mariners were the first team  to utilize acupuncture, primarily due to the influence of Japanese players such as Ichiro Suzuki and Kazuhiro Sasaki. Players opt for acupuncture to help their muscles rebound more quickly after intense training, or to support rehabilitation and speed recovery from injuries.4

Proprioception, the body’s sense of where it is in space, is a process of the muscles communicating with the nervous system. Injury interferes with the body’s proprioceptive signals and creates imbalance. Acupuncture serves to relieve stress on the musculoskeletal system5 and “is one of the quickest ways to restore muscle balance,” says Callison. “When acupuncture is used at specific sites, the muscle spindles are reset, and then that balance is reawakened.”

The practice of acupuncture views pain as an imbalance or interruption of one’s qi (life force energy). The insertion of acupuncture needles triggers the release of pain- and inflammation-fighting chemicals in the body, and restores the cyclical flow of qi, allowing the body to function at more optimal levels. A qualified acupuncturist will first conduct a thorough intake and evaluation of symptoms, then create a targeted course of treatment for maximum results.

This is an original article from Dreamclinic, Inc. Dreamclinic is a Health and Wellness company committed to sharing information about commonly experienced health conditions and how they may be impacted through the use of bodywork and other natural approaches. Dreamclinic offers massage, acupuncture, and Reiki sessions at its Greenlake and Queen Anne clinics, as well as onsite massage at workplaces around Puget Sound. Contact us to learn more about how Dreamclinic can help you, your family or your workplace experience greater health.


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Dreamclinic therapist a local Football champion

Renton Ravens Win National Championship

Showdown in Vegas

Hearty congratulations go out to the Renton Ravens who just competed for the National championship in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 18th against the Las Vegas Demolition.

renton ravens 3The Renton Ravens won the championship 32-29, playing in scorching heat against the previously undefeated Demolition on their home turf in what turned out to be a thriller.

“This was a huge and very emotional accomplishment for us”, said Charles Fedd, defensive end with the Ravens (and a Dreamclinic massage therapist) “Having first won the League championship, then the Bowl championship, and now the National Title, it’s been a magical season.”

The Renton Ravens of the Cascade Football League were also chosen as the comeback team of the year by their league. Way to go, Ravens, and Charles-we are proud of you!