Ask a Massage Expert! Answers To Your Top Questions

If you’re considering a massage, in Seattle or anywhere else in the country, you may have some questions about what to expect during your first visit. Of course, this is perfectly natural. After all, while you may have heard from friends what a massage is like, you’re about to experience it for yourself. And you may want to have a better understanding of how your session will go when you arrive.

Not to worry.  The massage experts at Dreamclinic are here to answer your questions. Our professionally trained staff is always happy to provide you with guidance when it comes to your health and massage, in Seattle or beyond. And today, we’re answering some of your top questions!

What should I wear when I get a massage?

You should dress as you normally do and in what is most comfortable for you. Our staff recommends dressing down, and for many patients, a pair of shorts works well, along with a t-shirt. Once you have had a massage, your relaxed body will appreciate a comfort-oriented approach to your wardrobe.

Are there any risks associated with getting a massage?

While massage therapy is known to be an extremely safe activity, patients should be aware of a few considerations before beginning. If you have concerns or known medical conditions, it’s best to talk with your doctor to make sure massage is medically safe for you.

Should I feel sore after my massage session?

Especially if you’re getting a deeper tissue massage, it’s normal to feel a little soreness the next day after your massage. In fact, that soreness is likely a result of the positive effect of your massage. Increase your fluids to assist your lymphatic system and decrease soreness.

Is a massage more about the experience or the medicine?

The answer is: both! Massage therapy is as much as a science as it is an art. In addition to being enjoyable and relaxing, massage therapy does  also offer numerous health benefits.

Can a massage help me with my active lifestyle?

Yes! For those of you who live an active life, massage can offer even more benefits. That’s because active people tend to pick up dings and stress to their muscles and need more regular maintenance. When you arrive for your  Dreamclinic massage, please feel free to bring up how massage can benefit you regarding the specific activities you engage in.

What licensures exist in the United States for massage?

In the United States, each state has its own regulation that pertain to massage therapy. For our massage team in Seattle, our  excellent team of professionals are licensed with over 750 hours of training.

Does my health insurance plan cover massage sessions?

In some cases, insurance plans may cover your massage therapy. This is especially true if your general doctor or specialist has referred you for massage therapy. However, every insurance plan is different. Best practice is to check your specific plan for benefits pertaining to massage. Also if you have been in a car accident, your auto insurance should cover massage.

Does Dreamclinic offer office-based sessions in Seattle?

Yes! We’re proud to offer workplace massage, onsite sessions for your office or corporate events.

Can I customize my massage session at Dreamclinic?

One of the most important aspects of getting a massage is discussion your goals for the session with your therapist before the massage begins. Before your first session, talk to one of our trained staff about what is right for you.

Ready to get your first massage at one of our Seattle area locations? Get in touch with us!


More Massage, Less Waiting: New Queen Anne Dreamclinic Massage Affiliate Location

Dreamclinic Massage + Therapeutic Associates:
Two Great Services that Go Great Together


dreamclinic queen anne massage seattle physical therapy massageBooking a massage appointment in Queen Anne is now easier than ever!  As of January 29th Dreamclinic Massage service is now available at our newest affiliate clinic: Therapeutic Associates’ Queen Anne.
If you’ve been curious about integrated care within a physical therapy environment or are looking for increased access to trusted quality massage therapy in Queen Anne, we invite you to visit us here.
Who is Therapeutic Associates? 
Therapeutic Associates (TAI) is the largest privately run group of physical therapy clinics in the country, with locations in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.  TAI’s mission is to be an integral part of people’s journeys towards positive health & wellness.
Why Do Dreamclinic & Therapeutic Associates Make An Awesome Team (And How Does this Help Me)?
It’s simple.  Both Dreamclinic and Therapeutic Associates aim to provide the highest quality care for our clients.  Sometimes, it’s just that easy.  
Our core values of effective, personalized therapeutic services delivered with excellence made our partnership a natural fit.  By joining forces, Dreamclinic and Therapeutic Associates are able to provide patients with integrated care from one shared location providing more convenient collaborative care for you.
What is an Affiliate Clinic? 
Therapeutic Associates approached Dreamclinic to provide Dreamclinic massage within their existing physical therapy clinics.  We were happy to partner and create affiliate locations, starting with the Therapeutic Associates Queen Anne location (which, conveniently is just a few blocks from our primary Queen Anne clinic!).
These Dreamclinic affiliate locations will offer the same programs and convenience offered at its primary clinics.  Memberships, gift Cards, packages and special offers are all available and honored at Dreamclinic affiliate clinics just as they are at our primary clinics.
New Locations Coming Soon!

Dreamclinic will begin service at Queen Anne Therapeutic Associates as of January 29, 2016. As more affiliate clinics open throughout 2016 and 2017, they will be added to our online scheduling software.  Check our locations page periodically to see a list of all operating clinics.


Hours of service are generally weekday evenings and weekends, with some variation from clinic to clinic.  Please check the Locations page for Dreamclinic hours of operation and types of services available for a particular affiliate clinic.

To learn more about this exciting new partnership visit our website.


Massage During Pregnancy

Massage benefits pregnant women in numerous ways. It can decrease tension, increase circulation, reduce swelling of ankles and feet, and relieve low back pain, which the majority of pregnant women suffer from during gestation. Women who receive pregnancy massage recline on their back or their side, rather than the traditional face-down position. Often therapists will employ cushions or pillows to ensure a comfortable and safe massage session.

“I love the fact there are two people I’m massaging and not just one,” said Ashley Sacco, a Dreamclinic massage practitioner.

Studies indicate that massage during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve  labor outcomes and newborn health.

Studies done in the past 10 years have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered when massage therapy is introduced as part of women’s prenatal care. It leads to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health. In women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (hormones associated with stress) were reduced, and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression).

These changes in hormone levels also led to fewer complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight. The cumulative evidence strongly suggests there are maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.

Sciatic nerve pain is commonly experienced by many women in late pregnancy as the uterus rests on muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. The pressure of the uterus spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower leg, causing them to swell and put pressure on nearby nerves. Massage therapy addresses the inflamed nerves by helping to release the tension on nearby muscles. Many women have experienced a significant reduction in sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy through massage.

Massage for Treating Stress

dreamclinic massageMost of us have stress in our lives, whether due to work, family or general environment. For some the stress may cause sleeplessness, anxiety, hypertension or depression. For many the stress leads to muscle soreness somewhere in the body – the shoulders, neck, legs, or back.

Whatever form the stress manifests in, can become an incessant low or medium-grade condition that puts a damper on our every day lives and sense of well-being.  At its extreme, chronic stress wears down our immune system and adrenal function, causing onset of illness and serious medical conditions. Some individuals use exercise to relieve stress but many do nothing. They just live with the aches and pain, blocking out the discomfort they feel. The problem with this approach is that with time our aches and pain only increase, depriving us of health and vitality.

Massage therapy can be used to treat most common conditions related to stress and muscle tension. Massage has both psychological and physiological effects. It can be used to treat specific ailments or injuries and is also used for general relaxation and emotional calm. Massage is beneficial for those experiencing headaches, arthritis, insomnia, asthma, digestive disorders, constipation, carpal tunnel syndrome, sinusitis, and minor aches and pains. Those taking prescriptions for the above and related conditions will find that massage can be a great compliment to or even an alternative for the medication. The long-term benefit of receiving regular massage is lower stress, greater energy levels, and an experience of overall greater health.

Below are the known effects of massage on the body: 

    • Relieves muscle tension and stiffness


    • Reduces muscle spasms


    • Lowers blood pressure


    • Decreases stress and anxiety


    • Strengthens the immune system


    • Improves joint flexibility and range of motion


    • Speeds recovery from pulled muscles or sprained ligaments


    • Treats tension headaches and effects of eye-strain


    • Improves blood circulation and movement of lymph fluids


    • Improves posture


    • Relieves repetitive motion injuries


    • Enhances the health and nourishment of skin


  • Helps removal of metabolic wastes

By Larisa Goldin, MBA, LMP

Getting the Most From Massage

Massage Client Therapist Communication Dreamclinic Redmond Dreamclinic Seattle

It is not uncommon for folks to behave in a massage clinic similarly to how they might in a doctor’s office. In a doctor’s office the doctor holds most of the authority and chooses for the patient what course of treatment should be followed.

Such folks may not think to communicate with the practitioner about what they want from the massage session. They are more likely to start the session exchanging few words and expecting the practitioner to perform some sort of predetermined routine. The problem with this approach is the individual misses out on the opportunity to get maximum benefit from the massage treatment. A more fitting relationship between the client and the practitioner is one where clients communicate freely about their preferences pertaining to the bodywork, both before and during the massage session.

Given the more interactive relationship, clients can ask the practitioner to work exactly on the body areas they want. Say you have an aching back — you can request that the practitioner spend the full massage session working on your back. Or you may experience tension headaches — you can ask for focus mostly on head and neck areas. You can request only upper body massage, or conversely ask for an overall relaxation massage with equal attention given to all body areas. As yet another example, you can even request abdominal massage. All qualified massage practitioners are trained to provide it and it can be beneficial for lower back pain and digestive problems.

As the client, you are in charge of your massage therapy sessions. These sessions should work for you. Being aware of your body, its likes and dislikes, and then communicating with your massage therapist will make a tremendous difference in the quality of the bodywork you receive.

By Larisa Goldin, MBA, LMP

Stretching the Piriformis Muscle

A key muscle to keep limber as well as strong is the Piriformis muscle, located deep to your gluteal region. When the Piriformis is too tight or overworked, problems like knee or lower back pain can occur. Stretching the Piriformis muscle and other hip rotator muscles will help keep proper alignment for activities such as cycling and running, and will protect the knees from twisting or buckling during athletic moves, such as side lunging or deep squats.

One of the easiest ways to make sure your hips stay flexible is to get out of your chair more often and to sit cross-legged on the floor whenever you can. This allows the hip joints to open up and gives the muscles and ligaments around the hip-joint a chance to lengthen out.

There are a variety of activities and work atmospheres that will cause your Piriformis muscle to become tight. Motion is lotion and plays an integral role in keeping this muscle flexible and free of injury. If you work in a desk cubicle that involves sitting try this stretch while sitting at your desk. Sit upright with your left foot flat on the floor and right ankle resting on the left knee. Slowly lean forward while breathing deeply, then switch sides. This exercise is a simple and effective way to stretch your Piriformis!

Click here for more tips and tricks on stretches you can do while at work.

Massage for Whiplash is the most effective treatment

What really happens to your muscles during a car accident and why is massage for Whiplash so beneficial?

therapeutic massage

Whiplash is an injury to the spine and surrounding muscles caused by the abrupt jerking motion – backward, forward, or sideways – that happens as a result of the sudden impact experienced during a car accident. The muscles and spine are ‘caught off guard’ and thus unprepared for the sudden involuntary acceleration and this results in partial tearing of the the muscle tissue.

Tenderness or pain in the neck, head and upper back areas almost always follow. Lower back pain can also accompany whiplash. You may feel only slight immediate pain or discomfort following your accident, but it is common for serious tension and stiffness to set in up to two weeks later.

Whiplash causes micro-tearing of muscle and other supportive tissues requiring repair and protection by scar tissue. You may only start to experience pain once the muscle has begun to heal and scar tissue starts to form. Scar tissue lays down in haphazard formations similar to fiberglass and may cause the underlying bone, tissue and muscle fibers to get “stuck” together. You experience this as a pulling or tightness that results in a loss of flexibility or range of motion.

Massage is the most effective treatment for breaking up and realigning scar tissue and increasing mobility associated with Whiplash. The massage therapist uses a method called cross-fiber friction that works counter to the direction of the muscle to loosen adhesions and decrease scar tissue buildup. In addition, the therapist may use other strokes and stretches in areas adjoining the primary area of injury to reduce muscle tension and restore full range of motion.

A typical treatment is once a week for 8-12 sessions and should provide near 100% recovery. While physical therapy and yoga are other alternatives, these are usually not as directly effective at massage which works directly on adhesions.

What is most important to realize is that without any treatment, the muscle aches and knots experienced after an accident will go on for years. You may never be quite pain-free, and these knots and kinks set in and become part of your lifestyle. The good news, however, for those who have had accidents years ago and never got treatment is that cross-fiber friction massage is very effective even after many years.

So, in a nutshell, if you have been in an accident and now experience muscle tension or pain in your in neck, shoulders or lower back, you are likely experiencing the effects of whiplash. You do not have to feel this way forever! Massage for Whiplash is the best way to restore your muscles to full function and health.

The Role of Sports Massage

deep tissue sports massageThe purpose of Sports Massage is not well understood and its use would most likely increase with a greater understanding of how how exercise impacts our muscles.

After hard training or an athletic event, taxed muscles become constricted and shortened. Micro-tearing of muscle fibers also results from extended strenuous activity leading to swelling and adhesions (like strands of spaghetti stuck together). Without proper rest and stretching between exercise, muscles become increasingly fatigued and contracted. Constrictions prevent free muscle movement and literally destroy range of motion.

During massage, circulation is stimulated and muscle tissue is stretched helping muscles recover faster and more completely. Sports massage focuses on the muscle groups most used by the athlete and incorporates stretches to maintain muscle elasticity. Over the long-term, sports massage helps athletes sustain higher levels of performance and remain free of injuries.

Rest Period

There should be a period of rest after hard training to allow muscle recovery to take place. Depending on the intensity of the physical activity, the rest period can be anywhere from a day to several weeks.   By stimulating circulation and the lymphatic system, sports massage coupled with appropriate low-level activity increases the quality and effectiveness of the rest period. Some refer to it as ‘turbo-charging.’

Warm-up and Warm-down

Neglecting to warm-up can result in injury because cold muscles are less elastic and more vulnerable to damage. A proper warm-down with ample stretches helps start the muscle recovery process, re-aligning muscle fibers and preventing tightness.

Age Factor

As we get older, our muscles become more prone to damage due to wear and tear, so stretching and proper warm-up and warm-down become more important. Since it takes muscles longer to recover as we age, a longer rest period and more regular massage is beneficial.

Pre-Event Sports Massage

Pre-event sports massage can take place from two days to two minutes before a race. Two days before, sports massage can be thorough and deep to ensure you are in optimum condition and fully recovered from any previous exercise. Shortly before an event, sports massage uses passive stretches and muscle warming techniques for maximum muscle elasticity. Some also choose to get massage the day of an athletic event with the goal of either relaxing their nerves or “firing-up” for the competition, depending on the athlete’s particular needs.

Post-Event Sports Massage

If you are like many, you may be skipping the warm-down after an athletic event, whether due to exhaustion, elation or forgetfulness. Whatever the reason, sports massage can be a reasonable substitute for a warm-down since it stretches muscle fibers and helps effectively remove metabolic waste (through increased circulation). If there is an injury, cold therapy and cross-fiber massage techniques can be used to reduce swelling and remove muscle adhesions.

In summary, sports massage helps active individuals maintain flexible, rested and healthy muscle tissue helping to improve athletic performance. If you consistently suffer from stiffness or muscle fatigue after athletic activity, consider adding sports massage to your overall routine.

By Larisa Goldin, MBA, LMP

Get an Edge on Your Golf Game with Sports Massage

All athletes, including golf enthusiasts look for an edge that can help them train more effectively, perform better or overcome injuries quickly.  A competitive athlete will push his or her body to the limit to achieve greater speed, endurance or power.   All this pushing puts stress on the muscles and requires a great deal of recovery in order to avoid injury and overuse trauma.  Golfers are no exception to the risks of injury due to muscle overuse.  Sports Massage for Golf professionals and recreational golfers, can increase flexibility, speed recovery time after rigorous practice and decrease your chance of injury allowing you to achieve your true golf potential.

Sports Massage for golfThe main golf swing muscles and their role in the golf swing:

  • Shoulders support the golf club at the top of the swing and also add clubhead speed as an extension of the core
  • Upper Back maintains spine angle for ease of turning on back swing and follow- through
  • Lower Back is critical in maintaining golf posture during the swing and while putting
  • Glutes help maintain flexion in the hips and produce the ‘golf squat’ position for a powerful swing base
  • Quadriceps allow consistent knee flexion and golf posture for a repeatable swing
  • Hamstrings allow you to transfer your weight correctly on the backswing and downswing for maximum power
  • Core muscles produce maximum power from the pivot and store energy from torque created on the back swing

Sports massage for Golf players aids performance in the following ways:

  • Reduces chance of injury through assisted stretching and event preparation
  • Increases ange of motion and muscle flexibility resulting in improved power and performance
  • Shortens ecovery time between workouts by maximizing the supply of nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue through increased blood flow
  • Enhances elimination of the metabolic by-products of exercise

How Posture Affects Your Health

posture and massage therapy dreamclinic seattleA common phrase heard throughout childhood is, “Sit up straight!” This postural reminder makes regular appearances in the classroom, at the dinner table and is a ubiquitous presence through middle and high school. The continual postural encouragement is dispensed to encourage healthy growth and function of the body, as well as a projection of self-confidence from the individual.

What exactly is good posture?
Good posture supports the performance of one’s daily activities with a functional range of motion and a positive flow of circulation. The bones are arranged properly in reference to one another, and the muscles that support the skeleton move freely within a normal range of motion and receive proper levels of circulation to help them do their jobs.

The American Chiropractic Association says, human beings “do not consciously maintain normal posture. Instead, certain muscles do it for us, and we don’t even have to think about it. Several muscle groups, including the hamstrings and large back muscles, are critically important in maintaining good posture. While the ligaments help to hold the skeleton together, these postural muscles, when functioning properly, prevent the forces of gravity from pushing us over forward. Postural muscles also maintain our posture and balance during movement.”

What causes poor posture?
Poor posture can be a product of many variables – weak muscles, injury, stress, improper footwear, lengthy sitting  and a growing use of technology such as laptops and tablets. In all of these instances, muscles in one or more areas of the body become shortened and less flexible than the opposing muscles that work together to keep the body upright. The tightness creates asymmetry, and posture becomes imbalanced.

For example, extended hours spent sitting in a car or at a desk, hunched forward over a steering wheel/ keyboard, shortens the muscles in the front of the shoulders. When these muscles tighten, circulation is limited and range of motion is restricted. The forward rounding of shoulders and associated muscle imbalance can lead to spinal misalignment, fatigue or pain.

As the body aims to protect itself and avoid pain, the imbalanced posture perpetuates itself. The neck is pulled forward and down, straining muscles in the upper back and shoulders, causing tension and often headaches. The rib cage is tilted forward, compressing the abdominal area, prompting digestive imbalance. Pain may emerge in the neck, shoulders or back.

How can bad posture be corrected?

Massage. Therapeutic massage lengthens muscles that have been shortened, improving circulation, reducing pain and allowing the body to resume a normal range of motion. Stress and tension are relieved, and internal organs are better able to perform their essential functions.

Exercise. Regular exercise helps lengthen and strengthen muscles and improve range of motion. It increases circulation and oxygenation, improving cognitive function and eliminating waste products from the body.

Stretch. Daily stretching helps lengthen shortened muscles and keep the muscles and joints supple. As we age, connective tissues become less flexible, so the old adage proves true: if you don’t move it, you lose it.

Yoga. Yoga stretches and strengthens the body, working muscles that counterbalance one another. It builds core strength and balance, encouraging and maintaining the habits of good posture.

Correcting poor posture requires undoing the hardening, or fibrosis, of the muscles that have been habitually contracted, allowing them to relax and the bones to move back into place. Perhaps a simple concept, but not an easy task.  Swedish massage can help increase circulation and release chronically held areas. Deep tissue massage helps wake up the body and reverse some of the fibrosis in the tissue.  And other bodywork techniques can further precipitate postural adjustments.