Dreamclinic Massage Sponsors Team Group Health Competitive Cycling for the 13th Year in a Row

teamgrouphealthseattledreamclinicpartnershipDreamclinic is delighted to announce a landmark thirteen-year sponsorship with Group Health.  Every year Team Group Health strives to promote and develop the sport of competitive cycling among women in the Pacific Northwest. This sponsorship is part of Dreamclinic’s ongoing commitment to promote healthy and active living within our community.

Team Group Health is a great example of competitive spirit and an emphasis on women’s health. They’re passionate about investing time to educate and train their members, as well as the community at large about the sport of cycling.

Dreamclinic founder and CEO Larisa Goldin says:

“We’re delighted to continue our ongoing relationship with Team Group Health and are extremely proud of the team.  They have grown each year, have competed fiercely and have also been an active and positive influence in our community.  they exemplify the fact that people can be multi-dimensional and work and play hard in a healthy way.”

Dreamclinic sponsors Team Group Health to assist in the common goal to raise public awareness of the health benefits of an active lifestyle.  Did you know 1-in-3 Washington residents own a bicycle?  Cycling is already a way for many of us to have an active, healthy lifestyle.  A focus on cycling, with event sponsorship and promotion of cycle safety, is a natural part of Group Health’s long-standing commitment to the well-being of the community. Founded in 1947, Group Health Cooperative is a consumer-governed, non-profit health care system that coordinates care and coverage.

With approximately 70 members, Team Group Health is a veritable force whenever the rubber meets the road, the track and the dirt.

To learn more about Team Group Health visit: http://soundvelocycling.com.

Research Identifies the Ideal Frequency of Massage for Treating Chronic Neck Pain

ghri_logoDreamclinic massage therapist Michael Jacobus recently took part in a research study to determine the ideal frequency of massage for treating chronic neck pain. The study, designed and conducted by Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, utilized massage as a treatment for nonspecific neck pain (neck pain not related to a specific incident or injury). Jacobus was one of the massage therapists selected to administer the Group Health study.
The research study participants were divided into groups that each received a different frequency and duration of massage treatment over a 4-week span. The researchers measured neck-related pain and dysfunction both before and after the treatment period.

Their conclusion? The optimal dose and frequency for achieving meaningful improvement in chronic neck pain is 60 minutes of massage, 2-3 times per week. The researchers found that “multiple 60-minute massages per week [were] more effective than fewer or shorter sessions for individuals with chronic neck pain.”
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Jacobus shared, “I loved working on the [Group Health] research project. My hope is that the results of this study will direct future massage research. The more this data can be replicated, the more relevance it has to further validate massage as an effective treatment for chronic neck pain.”
To read the study abstract, visit http://annfammed.org/content/12/2/112

Michael Jacobus has been practicing massage since 1996. He has instructed in top massage schools in the Pacific Northwest and continues to teach kinesiology and muscle anatomy to massage & yoga students and professionals. You can find Michael at Dreamclinic’s Queen Anne Location located in the MarQueen Hotel in Seattle.

Frozen Shoulder is Unlocked with Bodywork

by Diana Khoury

Frozen shoulder is a disabling condition characterized by pain, inflammation, stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. The first symptoms are pain and an inability to perform daily tasks such as reaching or lifting. Shoulder function may be restricted for months or years, depending on the severity and course of treatment sought. Triggered by minor injury or improper movement (such as reaching backward from an abnormal position), the onset of frozen shoulder is gradual. Bodywork is often recommended as primary treatment for frozen shoulder – to improve function of the joint, reduce pain and facilitate increased range of motion.
Frozen shoulder currently affects around 5% of the population. However, the condition is 5 times more common in Type I and II Diabetics, possibly due to elevated blood sugar levels, which cause increased stiffness (glycosylation) in connective tissues over time.1

Those additionally at risk for incidents of frozen shoulder include:

  • Individuals between the ages of 40-65
  • Women (60-70% of cases)
  • People with poor posture
  • Those engaged in regular overuse of shoulder muscles (in sports, manual labor, etc.)
  • People with recent shoulder injuries
  • Patients recovering from shoulder or reconstructive breast surgeries
  • Family members with a history of frozen shoulder issues (genetic component)1

The onset of frozen shoulder is gradual and symptoms may last from 1-2 months to over 3 years, depending on treatment. Once a frozen shoulder is treated and healed, recurrence is uncommon. However, a small percentage of patients develop it in the opposite shoulder within 5 years.

There are three identified stages of frozen shoulder:

The acute stage (lasting 2-9 months), is characterized mainly by pain, limited range of motion, and interruption of sleep due to increased pain at night.2

The subacute or “frozen” stage (4-12 months) is marked by reduction in pain, increased stiffness and severely restricted range of motion.

The chronic or “thawing” stage (12-42 months) is the beginning of recovery, where pain is gone and range of movement gradually starts to improve.3

Since many shoulder problems are misdiagnosed as frozen shoulder, a proper evaluation should be performed by a medical professional to determine the most appropriate course of treatment.4

The standard medical treatment approach may include anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, forced shoulder joint manipulations under anesthesia, or in the most extreme cases, surgery.3

A more conservative approach to frozen shoulder treatment includes manual therapy, bodywork and exercises, and is often recommended as a primary course before more invasive treatments are entertained.

Acupuncture used in conjunction with exercises have been shown to be an effective treatment for frozen shoulder.5Acupuncture releases endorphins which act as pain inhibitors, and stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities. The Healthcare Medicine Institute reports new research out of China and Germany that concludes acupuncture can release frozen shoulder pain and improve joint function and range of motion by targeting specific points related to muscle release in the shoulder capsule.6

Therapeutic massage techniques such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stretching and joint mobilization can be applied individually or in combination to address frozen shoulder, with positive results.7

For maximum effectiveness, therapeutic massage techniques are applied in moderation to break down adhesions (stiffness) in the shoulder joint, increase circulation (of blood, oxygen, synovial fluid), release locked muscles, and facilitate movement. Depending on which phase of frozen shoulder the patient is in, the massage therapist can design a series of therapeutic sessions to continue to unlock and unwind the stiffness in the shoulder, improve function and gradually restore normal range of motion.

This is an original article from Dreamclinic, Inc. Dreamclinic is a Health and Wellness company committed to sharing information about commonly experienced health conditions and how they may be impacted through the use of bodywork and other natural approaches. Dreamclinic offers massage, acupuncture, and Reiki sessions at its Greenlake and Queen Anne clinics, as well as onsite massage at workplaces around Puget Sound. Contact us to learn more about how Dreamclinic can help you, your family or your workplace experience greater health.

1. www.frozenshoulder.com
2. http://www.massageworld.co.uk/articles/sports-massage-getting-the-frozen-shoulder
3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0047043/
4. http://www.massagetoday.com/mpacms/mt/article.php?id=10941
5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11773673
6. http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1214-acupuncture-unlocks-frozen-shoulder-pain-new-research
7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3096148/

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