Ergonomics Delivered by Dreamclinic New Partner

 Ergonomics Delivered by Dreamclinic New Partner

ergonomics seattle

Many are aware of the importance of transforming their workstation with ergonomics.  And increasingly employers are realizing the rise in productivity and overall happiness of their employees when an ergonomic workstation is made available.

Dreamclinic is pleased to announce that its Workplace Massage division has partnered with ErgoFit in an effort to offer a higher level of support to our client companies.  Today, Dreamclinic has emerged as one of the the industry leaders in offering Workplace massage, giving teams convenient access to the therapeutic benefits of massage right in the office.  Now, through the new partnership with ErgoFit, which has comprehensive surveys and workstation evaluations, we are able to help employers become proactive about ergonomics, and to provide customized and effective recommendations at all levels of the organization.

ErgoFit also offer services such as injury prevention consultations that are customized to your service industry. This type of evaluation is beneficial in avoiding injuries whether your line of work is as a tradesman, police/fire/EMT, a laboratory, or regular office work.

If you have any questions about this partnership or interested in Ergonomics for your workplace, please get in touch with us at [email protected].