Whether you’re suffering from a headache due to worry or maybe you deal with regular migraines, it’s hard to deny that one fact remains the same…. the intense sensation can make you feel like you have to put your life on hold. In fact, if you’re one of the 38 million people in the United States who suffer from migraines, you know that they can last hours or even days. They can even become chronic in nature.
While migraines differ in important ways from a typical headache, both can be challenging to deal with for just about anyone. From throbbing to sensitivity to sound and even nausea and lightheadedness, the symptoms can seem overwhelming at times. Yet, there are a number of ways you can decrease their frequency and duration, if not eliminate them almost completely from your life.
Check Your Diet for Triggers
For some sufferers of headaches and migraines, food may be playing a role. In addition to evidence that certain foods may act as triggers, many people have reported that keeping a food diary to pinpoint foods that may be problematic. These include dairy, avocado, citrus, meats with nitrates, red wine, as well as peanut butter and pickled foods.
Minimizing Inflammation
Equally true, the severity of your headaches or migraines could be a result of a vitamin or mineral deficiency that causes inflammation. There’s evidence, for example, that getting additional Omega-3 in a healthy diet can drastically decrease the intensity of headaches and migraines.
Turn Off the Lights and the Noise
While many migraine sufferers may already know this trick, it’s worth repeating for everyone. When you have even a regular headache, bright lights or loud noises can prolong it greatly.
Vary the Temperature Somewhat
On the other hand, slight changes in temperature can act as a soothing mechanism for headaches and migraines. Next time you feel one coming on, adjust the temperature in your home a bit. Or you could also try taking a warm or cold towel and pressing it to your forehead or neck. There’s no surefire way to know if you should use a little warmth or some cold, but try each one to find out what works best for you.
Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule
Another method to help alleviate the symptoms associated with headaches and migraines is to monitor your sleep better. With many Americans experiencing irregular sleep, you can imagine how this can turn a mild headache into a much worse one. Take time to establish a regular sleep schedule where you’re getting a higher quality of sleep throughout the night.
Avoid Any Alcohol
There’s also evidence that alcohol can significantly increase the symptoms of a headache or migraine. Because of this reason, it’s best to avoid alcoholic beverages if you even get the sense that you have a headache or migraine coming on.
See Your Doctor
If you’re experiencing headaches on a more frequent basis or they’re more intense than usual, it’s probably a good idea to consult with your doctor. Although they’re often not life-threatening, chronic headaches can become an issue for many people, and your doctor can help you explore additional options.
Enjoy a Relaxing Massage
Whether you get a massage in Seattle or the surrounding area, the staff at Dream Clinic can tell you firsthand how a massage can do wonders for regular headaches. And a massage session has been shown to be a prime way to alleviate symptoms of a headache or migraine.
If you have a question about how a massage at Dream Clinic can help with your headaches, give us a call. Our knowledgeable staff is always happy to provide additional information and schedule an appointment for you.