Why Physicians Refer to Us
Skilled LMTs and Acupuncturists. What makes Dreamclinic unique is that it has the most rigorous hiring practices for massage therapists and acupuncturists in the region. Each interview starts with an assessment of the therapist’s medical foundation – mastery of anatomy and kinesiology, stages of healing, as well as the ability to do muscle testing and formulate a treatment plan. For our acupuncture staff, we look for sensitivity and strong patient communication on top of a strong foundation in the science of acupuncture. Once in-session with clients, our emphasis is on thorough assessment of any presenting symptoms and their history, effective treatment, and a well-defined short-term and long-term treatment plan.
We treat to your plan. When performing Medical Massage, we follow your prescription or referral and are happy to provide progress reports and chart notes when requested by your office.
Convenient. We employ over 50 therapists across multiple Seattle-area locations and are open 7 days a week so that your patients are able to get in for an appointment on their schedule to get the care they need. Most of our therapists are able to see clients on an out-of-network basis. Dreamclinic also has a number of therapists credentialed with First Choice. In addition, we work with auto insurance (PIP) claims.
Professional. While Dreamclinic is relaxing and pleasant, we are not a typical spa. Our focus is not on pampering but on providing the highest-quality treatment-oriented massage. We handle billing in-house and follow professional injury assessment and charting practices, as would any physician’s office.
Medical Billing. We have an in-house medical billing specialist team that has current in-depth knowledge on how to work with insurance claims. About 40% of the 2000+ appointments we perform each month are insurance-billed.
- We are in network with First Choice and any plans that use the First Choice Network
- We accept First-Party PIP
- We also perform out-of-network services for Premera, Regence, Kaiser Permanente and others.
Because we are committed to our clients’ long-term well-being, we recognize situations where a referral to another type of health provider is appropriate and would be beneficial to our clients. Referral situations arise regularly and so it is helpful to know of nearby medical services providers where we can conveniently refer our clients. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
We look forward to partnering with you in excellent health care for our mutual clients!