For decades, researchers have been trying to pin down the exact causes and factors involved in Depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States, over 350 million people worldwide are battling this health issue in their personal lives. Over the years, countless studies have attempted to address the effectiveness of treatment, while others focused on the possible biological basis. Because Depression can be such a serious challenge for those who have it, any new research that can shed light on it is welcome news to both the health community and the general public. And just this year, researchers have uncovered a significant connection between Depression and diet that could rock the healthcare world.
How One Study is Changing How We View Depression and Diet
Experts at Deakin University in Australia have published new results in the medical journal BMC Medicine that are sure to change many people’s lives. In essence, the scientific study has shown that there may be a strong association between Depression and diet that researchers may have been overlooking. During the study, patients with Depression were given guidance on how to better choose their regular diet and with a foundation of healthier choices. The results? Patients that more closely followed the dietary recommendations showed dramatic impact on their symptoms.
Comparing This News to the Classic View of Depression
Through history, the views on Depression have shifted and changed with time. Not until the early 1900s did professionals formulate that it could be a result of something other than a patient’s external situation. As the decades went on, researchers used various methods, from cognitive-behavioral therapy to antidepressant medication, to help patients manage their symptoms in everyday life. Still, because diet was less of a focus, it’s unclear if those methods were having their maximum effect.
Why this Study is so Important Today
While some meta-study data indicated that there might be a link between Depression and diet, this study is the first of its kind. In reality, it represents a major breakthrough in how we understand Depression. Because it was also a rigorous scientific study, it has the backing of the scientific community and offers a good first indication of where new methods of treatment might come from. This very well could mean a healthier and happier life for anyone who is or has been suffering from Depression at any point in their life.
Next Steps if You Suffer from Depression
If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of Depression, you’ll want your first step to be seeking the support of a professional. Since each person’s situation is different, relying on their expertise to help you with any signs of Depression is a must from the start. In addition, you can also discuss with them some of the dietary changes suggested in the Deakin University study. These include focusing on a diet composed of:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Whole grains
- Legumes and nuts
- Leaner red meats
- Fresh fish
- Olive oil
In addition, the research indicated that you may want to avoid some of the following if you’re considering Depression and diet:
- Sweet snack foods
- Fried foods
- Refined cereals
- Fast-food meals
- Meat that’s been processed
- Sugary drinks
As always, our professional staff here at Dreamclinic will continue to follow the news regarding this subject, as well as other medically-relevant news. This way, you have a trusted source for your health-related needs and updates.