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Jodie Thomas dances for the Pacific Northwest Ballet.  From humble beginnings in St. Maries, Idaho (a town so small it didn’t even have a movie theatre), Jodie has danced her way into the big leagues. She moved from her hometown to study in Spokane at the age of 14, and then to Seattle two years later to study at the Pacific Northwest Ballet School.   Today, she is an accomplished soloist for the company.


With an uncommon grace, Jodie bends and moves in ways most of us wouldn’t attempt!     So, when Jodie began experiencing lower back problems, a major strength center for dancers, she had to take quick action.  She turned to Dreamclinic and therapist Drew Roehrich.  Working with Drew has allowed her to keep dancing at the highest level.


“Massage has helped loosen the muscles of my lower back so that I can properly stretch and strengthen my body… Dancing is tough on the body and the yearly wear and tear takes a certain toll—as I get older, I need to pay even more attention to ensuring that I keep my body strong and flexible to help ward off injury.  Dreamclinic has played an important role in this effort.”


Having performed leading roles in productions from Stowell’s Romeo and Juliet to Petipa’s Don Quixote.  This fall of 2008, Jodie turns her attention to a staple of the holiday season in Seattle – Stowell and Sendak’s Nutcracker – which runs November 28th through December 30th.


Jodie intends to keep dancing for many years to come and says “my primary goal is to keep my body strong, flexible and healthy so I can continue to enjoy my dance career!”

Dreamclinic offers convenient anytime online scheduling. Click to schedule, or call 206-267-0863.