Acupuncture for the Treatment of IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) describes a combination of symptoms including chronic abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and indigestion. An estimated 10 to 20 percent of Americans suffer from the condition, with three times as many women being affected as men. April is IBS Awareness Month and so we turn our attention to ways that acupuncture can assist in symptom management.

The cause of IBS is not really known. Because the symptoms appear differently in each individual, misdiagnoses are common. For those who have tried everything from antibiotics to laxatives with little to no results, it may be time to give acupuncture a try.

At the core of IBS is a disruption between the liver and the spleen, which are responsible for the flow of outside substances through the body and transforming our food into energy. When this flow is upset, it creates disharmony that causes uncomfortable symptoms. Acupuncture, long used to stimulate and open these channels, may help alleviate the condition.

A study presented to the American College of Gastroenterology investigated the use of acupuncture versus relaxation therapy in patients with IBS. Participants in the study were treated with either acupuncture or relaxation therapy three times a week for two weeks. At the end of the trial, people in both groups reported significant reduction in abdominal pain. However, following a four-week post-trial period, only the acupuncture group experienced ongoing relief. The acupuncture group also reported a significant reduction in stress, which was not experienced by the relaxation group.

The zusanli acupuncture point may be especially effective in addressing IBS. It runs along the stomach meridian, and is located about four-finger widths below the bottom of the knee towards the outside of the shin. It’s considered to be one of the 12 most important acupoints on the body, and perhaps the most critical when dealing with issues of the stomach. Needling this point has been shown to decrease or even completely eliminate symptoms, in some cases with a single 10- to 20-minute treatment.

Healthy lifestyle choices such as getting adequate exercise, upping your intake of fiber, taking probiotics, and getting enough sleep are also ways to help alleviate the symptoms of IBS. If combined with an acupuncture plan designed specifically for your needs, you may be able to say goodbye to stomach issues for good. Schedule an appointment today.

4 Reasons to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Daily

Drinking vinegar might not sound like the most appealing thing on the planet, but it may just be the daily boost your body needs. Apple cider vinegar, in particular, is a powerful body cleansing agent that’s been used as a healing elixir since 400 B.C. Raw apple cider vinegar is a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that can fight germs and kill bacteria.

Here are four reasons to drink apple cider vinegar every day:

Apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar: Numerous studies have noticed a link between apple cider vinegar and balanced blood sugar. In a study of people with type 2 diabetes, those who took two tablespoons of ACV before bed found their glucose levels to be 4 to 6 percent lower when they awoke. Another found that those who drank apple cider vinegar before a high-carb meal cut their insulin sensitivity by up to 34 percent.

Apple cider vinegar can clear sinuses and heal sore throats: Apple cider vinegar has a high potassium content, which helps to break up mucus and clear the lymph nodes. Its antibacterial properties can help prevent an oncoming sinus infection or cold.

Apple cider vinegar can ease digestion: The pectin in apple cider vinegar has been linked to proper intestinal function. ACV is also an acetic acid that reduces appetite, increases metabolism, and slows fat accumulation, all of which could lead to healthy weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar can lower the risk of heart disease: A 2009 study from Japan found that those who took between one and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks saw significantly lower levels of triglycerides. High triglyceride counts may raise your risk for heart disease.

Incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet daily by starting with one teaspoon and working your up to two tablespoons. It’s not recommended to go beyond that. It’s important to choose organic, unfiltered ACV in order to reap all of the benefits. You can take it straight or diluted into water or juice. Our favorite way to drink it is as a tonic. Whisk together one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, half a tablespoon of pure maple syrup, half a teaspoon of ground ginger (another disease-fighting ingredient), and half a cup of filtered water. Drink roughly 20 minutes before meals.