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There are some really great therapists who are super-effective at resolving the most complicated muscle conditions, and yet, they have trouble making a living. They struggle to keep their private practice going, or they end up going to work for an employer—possibly one who doesn’t pay them very well. So, how come that happens when their technique is so good?

In my experience, most massage therapists are focused on developing, honing, and refining their massage technique—which is not a bad thing. But, by having such exclusive focus on that, they end up overlooking the fact that almost 50% of the client’s experience comes from factors beyond their actual touch and technique. So, it’s important to step way out and look at the bigger picture remembering that Remembering that your client’s experience starts before they even enter your practice,

If you are struggling or it’s just not as busy as you’d like, do an audit of all those other things that go beyond your massage:

  •  Observe your practice’s outside experience
    • What’s nearby?
    • Is there graffiti?
    • Any smelly garbage?
    • Was it hard to find parking?
    • Is there a really loud noise next door?
    • Should you be looking for a different place to practice?
  • What does your client see upon entry into your practice?
    • How welcoming is your lobby?
    • Is there dog hair all over the couch?
    • What’s the temperature like?
    • Do you need some curtains because the view out the window is unpleasant?
    • Are they greeted with a friendly welcome?
  • In the Massage Room
    • Are you doing a thorough intake and discussing a massage plan?
    • Is the massage room clean?
    • How about your personal appearance?
    • Are there any unusual odors in the room?
    • Any odor issues from your body or breath?
    • What about your dialogue—are you communicating pleasantly and effectively?
    • Are you talking too much, or too little during the massage?
    • Have you been forgetting to let the client know at the end of a massage that you enjoyed working with them and would love to see them back and welcome any feedback?

There’s a myriad of things that could be working against you—or for you. How do you figure out what they are? Ask for feedback. Find a friend or long-time client and just ask them point-blank, “Is there anything that you think I could be doing better during our intake, during the massage, or afterward?” You may find a couple of things you could tweak that would begin to help you flourish.

It never hurts to look with fresh eyes.  You could even call in a Feng Shui expert. The fact is, when you focus on holding the intention of creating the most positive and welcoming environment, it pays.

Dreamclinic offers convenient anytime online scheduling. Click to schedule, or call 206-267-0863.